The Benefits of Using Technology
Online Homework - For many parents frustration builds when they have neither the time nor the ability to help their children with homework. Using technology at home can help overcome this common problem. An example of such usage is Study-Help - a forum for assistance with subjects such as Math and English for parents and students.
Multimedia References - Technology can make life easier and more interesting with regards to research. A good example is the transformation of the traditional encyclopedia into a CD-ROM that includes audio, video, 3D and interactive activities, and very impressive search capabilities.
Parents-Teachers Telecommunication - Imagine logging onto the Internet and having your children's schedule, grade progress, daily attendance record and homework assignments available with a click of a mouse. That scenario could be coming to a school near you and you could help make it happen. "Education Dashboard" is software that links parents and schools, allowing parents to use home telecommunication to monitor their children's grades, correspond with teachers or participate in school related chats.
Technology Access
The spotlight of public attention is focused on the issues of equal access to the Internet and child safety on the Internet. This site, America's Children and the Information Superhighway help to raise the awareness level of parents by informing them about important issues related to their family's and school's involvement with technology.
Facility Standards
The New Jersey Department of Education, as part of its educational technology state plan, provides guidelines on integrating technology infrastructure in new school construction and renovating/remodeling old schools.
NetParents-Being a Better Internet Parent
NetParents is dedicated to providing resources, tips, and rewarding experiences for parents who want to protect their kids from inappropriate material online. In addition, you'll find links to valuable information to help you and your family navigate safely. Of special note, is a "Find an event in your area" feature which provides a place to post local events—great for fundraisers! And, for those of you who are really interested in spreading this important technology know-how information, a ready-made ‘America Links Up' kit´(hand-outs included) is proveded which gives you the tools and resources to plan and host a teach-in event in your area.
Bulletin Boards, chat rooms, newsgroups, and the like can contain information that is inappropriate for kids. Just like the outside world, cyberspace has its share of unsavory characters. Sometimes you child can even get into trouble with such seemingly innocuous things as "on-line" shopping. Check out Stay Alert Stay Safe Organization.
Netiquette - Etiquette on the Internet 
These generally accepted rules of behavior are designed to assist you in the "do's" and "don'ts" of proper use of the Internet. So, when in cyberspace……….
A Short Primer on Netiquette Basically, this site is for the new user to cyberspace. It covers e-mail, newsgroups, and those smileys () we see everywhere.
Computer Ethics direct from the Computer Ethics Institute. Here you'll find the 10 Commandments for computer ethics. See for yourself.
Netiquette in Depth Have a comprehensive look at the rules, elements of electronic style, netiquette for discussion groups, egregious violations of netiquette, social netiquette, business netiquette, and legal issues in netiquette. More than you ever wanted, I'm sure, but if you're interested, you'll probably find it here.