Now that you are committed to providing your family with the technology that is right for you, where do you go for help? Try out these technology consumer information links to access reports, reviews, and prices from reliable and current sources to help you meet your needs. Being able to comparison shop on-line should save you steps and time. In many instances, if you choose to, purchases can be made on-line too.
B uying, Leasing, Renting
To buy, to lease, or to rent….what do I do? Check out FamilyPC's Shopping Secrets for practical advice for those people who are considering alternate ways of securing equipment in your household. The answer depends, in part, on how long you'll need the equipment and what you're using it for. This site features some ‘good reasons' why you should consider these options.
More ‘food for thought' when you're considering leasing equipment. It takes you through the steps and what you need to know. Software Leasing covers whether to lease software and some of the issues you should know.
Before you buy any computing hardware—whether it be a new PC, peripheral, or upgrade, it's smart to review the issues and choices you'll encounter. The ‘How to Buy' guides will help you do just that. Tech Shopper presents advice and product vendors.
PriceSCAN tries to take the hassle out of shopping. What do you think?
Parents, Educators, and Publishers (PEP) includes a directory of educational software publishers, hints on shopping for computer hardware and software for children, and excerpts from the Children's Software Revue newsletter.
Hardware We're into the school year and it may be time to evaluate your computer needs. Whether you're looking for a desktop computer or a compact, portable computer notebook for your family, this site is power packed with useful information to help you make the right decision in your purchasing plans. Included in this site are the "top picks," important information you need to know before you make your purchase (Does the computer I wish to purchase have enough ‘memory' to run my computer applications and programs)? Also, you'll find reviews of peripherals (i.e. scanners) and more. Links from this site include product reviews for PC and Mac platforms and all the latest prices. Actually, there's so much information you're almost guaranteed to find what you need to know right here.
Software With your children back in school, it's time to sort out what high tech software they need and what you wish to purchase. What's good? What will capture their interest for a long time? With thousands of software titles (and will I have enough time to sort through them all with the holidays "just around the corner"), where can you find the guidance to make the ‘right' purchase? This site reviews the ‘what and where' with accompanying product highlights and ‘buy info' to help you sort out "what's inside" before you open the box. Check out these best bets and see what you think.
Modems Here you'll find everything ‘spelled out' about the different types of modems that provide fas ter and faster Internet access and that allow you to communicate globally. This site, and its related sites, helps to make sense of the high-tech jargon we hear so much about nowadays. Some products are awarded the coveted Editor's Choice which takes some of the guess work out of making a fine selection. With a fact sheet and the latest prices available, making a choice is made easier.
Printers These reviews cover (what seems to be) every printer available with information on features, accessories, and prices. No matter what you're looking for (i.e. affordability, size, speed, very high quality prints) there's a printer that's right for you.
Internet Service Providers Welcome to the Cyber Highway! Here you'll find more than 2,000 (!) Internet Service Providers (ISP's) to help you decide which one is for you. Yo u'll also find an in-depth report about the top 4 ISPs (AOL, MSN, CompuServe and AT&T World Net), the best ISPs in terms of cost, and, what's really useful to helping you make up your own mind, a checklist with info on what to look for when shopping for an ISP. Consideration in this case should include ease of set up, numbers of email accounts available to you and your family, and reliable tech support.