Web Terminology – For those parents who feel uncomfortable with all of the buzz words of "surfing the net" here is some help – The Glossary of Web Related Terminology, Nonline and Microsoft Network Glossary and Web Design Glossary
Learning More About Technology Parents interested in expanding their knowledge and keeping up with their children's technological skills should inquire within their local community. Workshops are often held at local colleges, schools for continuing education, and computer stores. Many libraries offer training sessions for community residents too.
General References
New Jersey State Library
Brittanica Online Information SuperLibrary
On-Line English Grammar
Focusing on Words – Enhance your English vocabulary skills
School.Net Find a school anywhere in the world, browsing by location such as county, state, and city
Virtual Library
Newspapers and Magazines
The Record On-Line
The Star Ledger
New York Times
National Geographic
U.S. News
Parent News a monthly electronic magazine with news, information, and resources for parents and those who work with parents.
Study Web Choose a topic within Homework Help Online.
Homework Central Internet Homework Research Sites
Homework Helpers Lists of links in math, science, social studies, language arts and general help sources.
Science Fair Projects Having trouble helping your child get started on his/her project? Here is a collection of sites which should help address the problem.
Family Literacy
The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) is a non-profit organization that supports literacy services for families across the United States through programming, training, research, advocacy, and dissemination. The NCFL supports the four-component national family literacy program model that brings parents and children into the learning environment together by serving families through: Adult Education, Early Childhood Education, Parent/Child Interaction Time, and Parent Groups.
Parent Information and Resource Centers - An Investment For Tomorrow - Networks that help families and schools together support children´s learning.
Dear Parents helps you, the parent, to understand how children learn with strategies and ways of working with your child in particular subject areas.